Those photos are really sad. I feel bad for all the people that had a horrible living condition. Makes you realize that how life isnt all that easy to everyone. Makes you more thankful for what you have. I hope we dont have to go through this again. this is veronica rawls I forgot my password.
wilson!! im sorry! its past four! its like almost ten but i had to go straight from school to work thursday and friday and my mom is out of town and her computer is off. these pictures were really sad! averi wasser
wow those are some pretty depressing pictures..
Lets hope it doesn't happen again! MARCO....
Wow those are crazy pictures! My greandparents went through that, it must have been so sad!
Nicole Bauer
Those are horrible pictures, they're very sad
Those pictures are very interesting to look at and they give off a depressing mood.
Wow those pic's are sad. They look like they have no money and are angry people!! Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
That was really sad.
Looks bad, i fell sorry for the people who had to live threw it i cant imagine my self in such a place.
Davis Truong
Its hard to imagine that that really happend. Like how the banks even went under meaning every ones money went bye bye. that would be devistating.
ok Mr wislon the anonymous one is mine megan wallace.. i dont get this. ill explain later. but as long as i left a comment. ok bye bye
those are some sad pics. Lets hope it doesn't happen again.
wilson I was here. Josh harbolt the comment before was from me but I forgot to sign it.
Those photos are really sad. I feel bad for all the people that had a horrible living condition. Makes you realize that how life isnt all that easy to everyone. Makes you more thankful for what you have. I hope we dont have to go through this again. this is veronica rawls I forgot my password.
wilson!! im sorry! its past four! its like almost ten but i had to go straight from school to work thursday and friday and my mom is out of town and her computer is off. these pictures were really sad!
averi wasser
wow, pretty depressing
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