Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wedneday 12/13 and Thursday 12/14

1. conventions quiz
2. workshop
3. HW: vocab review (crossword quiz coming up!)

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Monday 12/11 and Tuesday 12/12

1. vocab
2. Essay workshop
--sentence starts for thesis
--graphic organizers

3. HW: conventions review (online practice)

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Thursday 12/7 and Friday 12/8

1. vocab
2. conventions 12
3. final writing for JLC instructions; road map
4. Eng 10: begin gathering evidence, outlining, etc
5. Honors: discuss “Four Directions; read and annotate “Double Face”

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Tuesday 12/5 and Wednesday 12/6

1. new vocab
2. conventions 11
3. “Rules of the Game”
-- review, summarize, react
--text questions in triangles
--journal (150-200 words) on paper or on classroom
HW: honors: read and annotate “Four Directions”

Monday, December 04, 2017

Friday 12/1 and Monday 12/4

1. vocab quiz
2. “The Red Candle”
-- review, summarize, react
--text questions in triangles
--journal (150-200 words) on paper or on classroom
3. HW: read “Rules of the Game”