Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fri 3/24

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz
2. field trip to South Africa
3. HW: read and do quesitons for Book to all the way up to chapter 26

Eng 12
1. vocab quiz
2. discuss end of All Quiet
3. All Quiet comprehension test
4. begin All Quiet film
5. HW: complete essay planning sheets 1 and 2

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thur 3/22

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab review
2. ch 18 discussion
3. Journal: Do the rich need the poor to stay poor?
4. HW; finish poetry in prose, read ch 20, 21 and do questions

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up
2. review ch 10 with participation
3. slideshow
4. HW: finish book, do last questions, be ready for the twiz

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wed 3/21

Pre IB Eng 10
1. journal: What makes a place beloved?
2. review last night's chapters
3. HW: read to p 175, begin Book II work
4. Prose to poetry; due Friday for 5 points

Eng 12
1. HW check
2. ch 9 questions for participation
3. essay prep
4. HW: ch 10 and questions

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tue 3/20

Pre IB Eng 10
1. check pictures
2. character web for ch 1-11
3. ch 12 aloud
4. draw ch 12
5. HW: read chapters 13, 14, 15, 16

Eng 12
1. HW check
2. vocab warm up
3. discuss "Combat to Campus"
4. review ch 8 with quotation sheet
5. Journal: which essay topic are you most interested in writing about? Why? What one scene, charater, conversation, quotation from the text you think best addresses that topic?
6. read ch 9 and do study guide questions for HW

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mon 3/19

Pre IB Eng 10
1. collect essays
2. vocab warm up
3. ch 1-8 questions
4. ch 9 aloud
5. draw ch 9
6. HW: read ch 10-11, visit blog, leave comment

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up
2. review ch 7
3. read "Combat to Campus"
4. read ch 8 and do study guide questions

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Images of shanty towns

These are some images of shanty towns in South Africa. Leave a comment for participation.

South Africa Pictures

Click here to see pictures of the Drakensberg area in which Cry, The Beloved Country takes place. Be sure to leave a comment with your name to get participation credit.

Wed 3/14

Pre IB Eng
1. vocab warm up
2. ch 1 aloud, draw it on the board
3. ch 2-4, exposition
4. HW: FD of Crucible essay
5. HW: read ch 5-8

Eng 12
1. collect essay of definition
2. vocab quiz: All Quiet vocab #1
3. review reading
4. aloud: rest of ch 6
5. do ch 6 questions in NB
6. read ch 7 of All Quiet

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tue 3/13

Pre IB Eng 10
1. get Cry, The Beloved Country books
2. vocab warm up
3. read ch 1 three times
4. draw ch 1 in NB
5. HW: work on essay

Eng 12
1. vocab review
2. journal: Is war natural? Is it in nature? Is it in human nature
3. read article: Peace or War/
4. review ch 5
5. HW: finish essay, read pages 99-108

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mon 3/12

Pre IB Eng 10
1. complete choice book test
2. HW: read/highlight South Africa Background info
3. HW: work on your Crucible essay

Eng 12
1. HW check
2. vocab warm up
3. Tigard graduates in Iraq: "cut off from youth" theme
4. review reading: ch 2-4
5. HW: read to page 97 and do study guide in NB

Friday, March 09, 2007

Fri 3/9

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar retake
2. key passage analysis: What is it, and how do you do it?
3. self/ peer evaluation of Crucible RD

Eng 12
1. HW check
2. "to be" extra credit
3. peer/self evaluation for essay of definition
4. literature of war: "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "Johnny Got His Gun"
5. review chapter one of All Quiet
6. HW: read to page 74 in All Quiet and do study guide

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thur 3/8

Prei IB Eng 10
1. grammar review: commas
2. workshop: essays, grammar, choice books, extra credit

Eng 12
1. "to be" practice
2. vocab warm up
3. grammar: vague pronouns
4. Lit. of war: "The Soldier," and "Knolt Hoheimer"
5. review WWI notes, overheads, numbers killed, video clips of trench warfare
6. HW: read chapter 1 of All Quiet, do NB questions for chapter, finish draft of essay of definition

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wed 3/7

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar review: italics, quotation marks
2. notes on organization: chronological vs. order of importance
3. workshop

Eng 12
1. grammar review: fragments, run-ons
2. intro All Quiet unit
3. read Henry V piece, Johnny Got His Gun Exerpt
4. get books
5. HW: read highlight WWI background notes, work on essay of definition

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tue 3/6

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar review: apostrophes
2. workshop: Crucible essays, read choice books, study grammar, do extra credit

Eng 12
1. Hamlet test
2. begin Hamlet writing assignment: essay of definition

Monday, March 05, 2007

Mon 3/5

Pre IB Eng 10
1. finish film
2. return Lord of the Flies essays
3. notes and advice
4. sample essay: Mary Warren's Crucible
5. due dates
6. workshop: essay, grammar, read choice book, extra credit

Friday, March 02, 2007

Fri 3/2

Pre IB Eng 10
Watch Crucible film, review text for essay topics and evidence

Eng 12
1. vocab quiz (Hamlet #3)
2. aloud: Hamlet 5.2
3. notebook check, begin reviewing for Hamlet test

Thur 3/1

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Crucible test/ read choice book
2. essay preparation map
3. film: use this time to review the text

Eng 12
1. vocab review
2. Hamlet review questions for 3.3-5.1
3. watch first part of Hamlet film