Thursday, November 03, 2005

Thur 11/3

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up (Gatsby #2)
2. review ch 6 questions
3. ch 76 questions (aloud and together)
4. HW: read ch 8,9 in Gatsby

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up (CTBC #2)
2. discuss ch 23,26 questions
3. HW: finish Book II and do ch 28, 29 questions


Anonymous said...

Where's eng 10?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, " Where's eng 10?" On the main page, there there is a list of what we did in English class, for both Advanced Sophomore English and Junior English. Is that what you wanted?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, I just looked on the main page just a few seconds after my previous post, and saw that the list for what we did in the Sophomore class isn't there. That's probably what you meant. I can tell you:

1.)We had our vocabulary test.

2.)We counted how many peole did the homework. The block 3 class had 23 or 23 and 1/2 (can't remember) if you care.

3.)We then started talking about the two questions that were homework. While discussing the first question, we got a HUGE discussion started about whether Absalom deserved the death penalty, about why he ended up stealing, if the society is to blame, was he forced to steal by his surroundings?, etc. A lot of topics like those. That lasted until 5 minutes before class ended.

4.)At that point, Mr. Wilson ended the discussion and assigned our homework for the weekend, which is to finish reading Book Three. Also, he passed out a sheet of 6 questions about Book Three, and we have to answer at least three of the questions.

That's what we did in third block, although I can't speak for fourth block.

Anonymous said...

It was there earlier i think ....

*sigh* Jason, you and your blue text. :)

Anonymous said...

Blue text is cool. You do know it is a link though?

Anonymous said...

Yes Jason, you have told me many a time. lol