Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wed 2/28

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar page 12
2. Act IV study guide review
3. essay topics
4. Miller readings, clips
5. HW: read choice book, note key passages

Eng 12
1. "to be" practice
2. vocab warm up
3. video summary of 4.5-4.7
4. "what is a man" close reading
5. read aloud 5.1
6. reader's log for act 4 or 5.1

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tue 2/27

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar page 11
2. read Act IV
3. do Act IV study guide
4. HW: read choice book, bring choice book to class every day, test on The Crucible on Thursday

Eng 12
1. "to be" practice" and vocab warm up
2. film clips
3. summarize: 4.1-4.3 (and close reading)
4. aloud: 4.4-4.5
5. HW: read pages 137-146

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mon 2/26

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz
2. grammar pages 9,10
3. Act 3 study guide review
4. cast Act 4
5. HW: read choice book, start noticing key passages

Eng 12
1. check reader's log
2. vocab quiz/ new vocab
3. review Acts 1 - 3.2, view nunnery scene
4. read aloud: 3.3 and 3.4
5. HW: read pages 115-122, practice "to be" extra credit

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fri 2/23

Pre IB Eng 10
1. collect essays
2. vocab review
3. Crucible Act III
4. HW: Act III study guide, read choice book

Eng 12
1. vocab review
2. extra credit practice
3. read Act III scene 1 and 2 aloud
4. HW: do reader's log on 3.3

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thur 2/23

Pre IB Eng 10
1. forcasting (2nd block only)
2. Act II study guide and notes
3. read Act II scene 2 aloud and discuss
4. cast Act III
5. HW: finish essays, read choice books

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up
2. video summary of Hamlet 2.2
3. "O what a rogue" close reading
4. "To be or not to be" close reading
5. view "to be or not to be" three versions
6. HW: read page 74-86

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wed 2/21

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar page 8
2. vocab warm up
3. Crucible Act II
4. Crucible Act II study guide
5. HW: read choice book, work on essay

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up
2. Hamlet 1.5 film clips
3. Rocket notes for 1.3 and 2.1 and close reading of lines
4. Read aloud Hamlet 2.2; notes of puns, double entendre and classical allusions
5. HW: finish reading 2.2 and do reader's log on 2.2 in NB

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tue 2/20

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up
2. get books
3. reveiw Act I study guide
4. begin Act II
5. HW: work on essays, read choice book

Eng 12
1. vocab quiz: Hamlet #1
2. check reader's logs
3. story telling contest
4. watch 1.4-1-5 of Hamlet

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fri 2/16

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz
2. essay self evaluation: final draft due Fri 2/13
3. cast Act II, begin reviewing Act I study guide

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up, quiz Tuesday
2. read 1.4 and 1.5 of Hamlet in class
3. HW: do reader's log for 1.4-5
4. HW: read 1.3 and 2.1 of Hamlet
5. finish stories for Tuesday's story telling contest

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sophomores, post your titles here

Click on "comments" below and leave your name and the title of the book you've chosen for our college bound reading assignment.

Thur 2/15

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up
2. discuss "Sinners"
3. finish reading Crucible Act I
4. do Crucible Act I study guide

Eng 12
1. vocab warm up: quiz Tuesday
2. Hamlet 1.2: first soliloquy, finish reading scene, begin readers log in NB (do a log for first two scenes
3. Workshop: finish up stories by Tuesday

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wed 2/14

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar page 7
2. review setting #3
3. read Act I of The Crucible
4. HW: work on essay, read and highlight "Sinners" handout

Eng 12
1. writing workshop: 30 minutes on your satire stories
2. review end of Act I scene 1: view scene, rocket notes
3. close reading: King's speech from Act I scene 2, Hamlet's first appearance
4. HW: read and highlight first 3 pages of Hamlet background

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tue 2/13

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar p 6
2. vocab warm up
3. Anthem: final thoughts on egoism, altruism
4. extra credit (10 points): due March 14, 2007
5. Crucible debate: security vs freedom
6. Crucible three settings lecture (10 minutes)
7. HW: work on your essay

Eng 12
1. collect observational essays
2. writing workshop: 30 minutes to work on stories
3. Hamlet: vocab, first ten words, quiz next Tuesday; scene 1 aloud
4. HW: read up to page 15 in Hamlet

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mon 2/12

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar warm up: p5
2. Crucible vocab #1; quiz Friday
3. Anthem: small group discussion for 20 minutes
4. Anthem free write on #2,3, or 4 in NB
5. college bound reading: list, library, complete reading by 3/5/07
6. HW: look up vocab words, work on LOF essay

Eng 12
1. Writing workshop: story telling contest, begin planning with a partner for contest on Friday (45 minutes
2. Hamlet line tossing and story circle: Something's rotten in the state of Denmark
3. go to library to pick up copies of Hamlet

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fri 2/9

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar warm up: p 3,4
2. Anthem: share key passages, teacher questions
3. essay workshop
4. HW: finish Anthem, work on your essay

Eng 12
1. Canterbury Tales test
2. MLA style, grading rubric, check lists
3. peer review, self evaluation of observational essay
4. HW: finish final draft by Tuesday

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thur 2/8

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar warm up
2. get Anthem
3. essay workshop: share graphic organizer
4. essay RD due Fri 2/16
5. HW: read Anthem to p 51, pick a key passage and write about it in your NB

Eng 12
1. review Pardoner's Tale questions
2. review drafting p 187
3. time to draft Observational essay: RD due tomorrow
4. HW: study for Canterbury Tales test, turn in study guide tomorrow

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wed 2/7

Pre IB Eng 10
1. check pre-writing
2. discuss unity and coherence
3. review essay expectation and conventions
4. more time to pre-write and draft: your goal is to have your definite "primary cause" by tomorrow

Eng 12
1. review prologue text questions for participation
2. Pardoner's Tale
3. finish study guide
4. pre-write for observational writing (p 186)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tue 2/6

Pre IB Eng 10
1. LOF debate
2. NB: What your view (view #3)? Which view do you think Golding agrees with? Or does he have view #4? What's view #4?
3. HW: read essay assignment, do one page of pre-writing in your NB

Eng 12
1. review Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner
2. finish reading prologue
3. finish prologue study guide questions
4. NB: page 129 # 1,3,4,6
5. complete another character visual: name, 3-5 perfect adjectives, best quotation, symbol

Monday, February 05, 2007

Mon 2/5

Pre IB Eng 10
1. discuss key passage from HW: 143, 155, 178
2. debate prep: debate tomorrow
3. HW: key passage: last two pages of the book

Eng 12
1. pilgrims slideshow
2. HW check
3. review last week's pilgrims
4. notes on day 4 work
5. complete day 5 work
6. time permitting do more visuals
7. reminder: Canterbury Tales test

Friday, February 02, 2007

Fri 2/2

Pre IB Eng 10
1. key passages; discuss last night's HW
2. allegory, symbolism, microcosm
3. HW: one paragraph on passage from 143, 155., 178

Eng 12
1. review prologue so far: Knight, Squire, Nun, Monk
2. read Day 3 work and complete corresponding study guide: Friar, Merchant, Oxford Cleric, Serjeant at Law, Franklin, Haberdasher et al.
3. in groups of three do visuals of six of the characters so far: name, 3-5 perfect adjectives, best quotation, symbol
4. HW: complete day 4 work in study guide

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thur 2/1

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar pre-test
2. key passages: review last night's question; do passages from pp. 60, 62, 63, 88
3. HW: in NB answer this questions: What makes the passage key? (pp. 109, 113, 140)

Eng 12
1. warm up: quickwrite p 105 in NB
2. Chaucer, pilgrimage notes
3. begin tales to p 112
4. HW: make sure all of Day 1 study guide is done