Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wedneday 12/13 and Thursday 12/14

1. conventions quiz
2. workshop
3. HW: vocab review (crossword quiz coming up!)

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Monday 12/11 and Tuesday 12/12

1. vocab
2. Essay workshop
--sentence starts for thesis
--graphic organizers

3. HW: conventions review (online practice)

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Thursday 12/7 and Friday 12/8

1. vocab
2. conventions 12
3. final writing for JLC instructions; road map
4. Eng 10: begin gathering evidence, outlining, etc
5. Honors: discuss “Four Directions; read and annotate “Double Face”

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Tuesday 12/5 and Wednesday 12/6

1. new vocab
2. conventions 11
3. “Rules of the Game”
-- review, summarize, react
--text questions in triangles
--journal (150-200 words) on paper or on classroom
HW: honors: read and annotate “Four Directions”

Monday, December 04, 2017

Friday 12/1 and Monday 12/4

1. vocab quiz
2. “The Red Candle”
-- review, summarize, react
--text questions in triangles
--journal (150-200 words) on paper or on classroom
3. HW: read “Rules of the Game”

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Wedneday 11/29 and Thursday 11/30

1. Convention #10
2. vocab review
3. 10 minute review for “Pro Patria”
4. “Pro Patria” seminar
5. Begin Joy Luck stories: read “The Red Candle”

Monday 11/26 and Tuesday 11/27

1. vocab warm up
2. "Snow"
--10 minutes to review questions and turn in
3. "Pro Patria"
--quickwrite: How has your country, culture, history, region, shaped you?
--words to know: memoir, excerpt, context
--read excerpt
4. HW: compete 9 questions on "Pro Patria"

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday 11/21 and Wednesday 11/22

1. conventions warm up: page 9
2. vocabulary: next 3 words
3. "Snow" by Julia Alvarez
--What is flash fiction"
--Words to know
--complete 10 solo question as preparation for seminar

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday 11/17 and Monday 11/20

1. new vocab: first four words
2. complete team questions
3. seminar
4. jigsaw timeline
5. exit question:

Is “Why, Honey?” a coming of age story? Write a claim and counterclaim.

Yes, because…

No, because…

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wednesday 11/15 and Thursday 11/16

1. conventions #8: commas to combine sentences
2. "Why, Honey?"
--before you read: epistolary narrative; quickwrite
--read the story aloud
--complete 3 column chart: facts, assumptions, guesses

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Monday 11/13 and Tuesday 11/14

1. new seating chart
2. conventions warm up: page 6
3. "This is What it Means to Say Phoenix Arizona"
--10 questions (in teams)
4. one paragraph response to this question: How is this a story of psychological/ emotional growth for Victor? Or Thomas?

Monday, November 06, 2017

Tuesday 11/7 and Wednesday 11/8

1. Complete questions on "Catch the Moon" (work in teams, but complete solo questions)
2. Seminar discussion
3. Next story: "This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona"
--quickwrite on love/hate relationships
HW: Read the entire story. Annotate for love and hate.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Friday 11/3 and Monday 11/6

1. Conventions quiz covering first 6 pages of study guide
2. Two Kinds
--warm up teams (share answers to questions)
--seminar discussion
3. HW: read "Catch the Moon"

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

"Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented"

Click HERE to listened to the songs mentioned in "Two Kinds."

Wednesday 11/1 and Thursday 11/2

1. conventions warm up on italics and quotation marks
2. review Cornell notes on bildungsroman
3. First story: "Two Kinds"
--before reading quickwrite
--words to know
--graphic organizer on conflict (complete as you go)
HW: answer 9 questions on "Two Kinds" on google classroom

Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday 10/30 and Tuesday 10/31

1. conventions review on apostrophes--quiz coming up!
2. Coming of age anticipation set:
--seven quickwrites
--small group discussions
--cornell notes on bildungsroman (homework)

Try the wiki entry on bildungsroman HERE.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tuesday 10/24 and Wedneday 10/25

1. conventions warm up 6
2. workshop:
3. Time permitting: Coming of Age anticipation set

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Friday 10/20 and Monday 10/23

1. warm up: conventions #5
2. instructions on conclusions (see links below)
3. works cited page (see links below)
4. word choice challenge (see the link on google classroom)
5. workshop:
--complete body of argument
--complete conclusion
--complete works cited page (all due by next class​)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Wednesday 10/18 and Thursday 10/19

1. conventions #4 warm up
2. in-text citations examples (you can find them on google classroom)
3. workshop
--write intro
--write two body paragraphs
4. HW: conventions #5

Monday, October 16, 2017

Works Cited

Click HERE for all you need to know about how to put your works cited page together.

Or you could watch THIS eight minute video.

Or you could try THIS citation generator.

HERE is a sample works cited page.

Many of you are citing sources you found online. Go HERE for details on citing those kinds of sources.

Monday 10/16 and Tuesday 10/17

1. conventions #3
2. homework check (Have you completed side one of the graphic organizer?)
3. next step: complete side two of graphic organizer
4. tools: check out the helpful writing tools on my blog
5. workshop:

Complete all of the following by next class
--working thesis
--honors readings
--graphic organizer side one
--refine thesis
--graphic organizer side two
--read student sample (optional)
--introductory paragraph

Friday, October 13, 2017

Wednesday 10/11 and Thursday 10/12

1. conventions #2
2. argumentative assignment and rubric (plus honors requirements)
3. annotate and discuss counterargument description from Harvard writing center
4. begin writing workshop

Have these things completed by next class:
--choose topic
--write working thesis
--complete additional readings (honors)
--list possible evidence to support your working thesis
--plan for one counterargument
(the last three items can be completed on the graphic organizer we gave out in class, which is also posted on Google classroom)

Monday 10/9 and Tuesdy 10/10

1. vocab quiz
2. read sample argumentative essays on cell phone use
3. high light for thesis, evidence, counterargument
4. discuss in small teams

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

October 5 and 6

1. homework check: conventions #1
2. vocab review--10 point quiz next time!
3. Revisit "The Flunk Out" for a few minutes
4. Read "Rumspringa"
5. Complete "Rumspringa" team questions

October 3 and 4

1. take RL pre-assessment
2. vocab warm up
3. wrap up Gap Year: write a working claim
4. anticipation set: parental supervision
5. HW: conventions page #1

Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29 and October 2

1. vocab warm up: admonition, facilitate, ethos
2. anticipation questions: What's something positive you get out of spending your day in classrooms? What's something frustrating about spending your day in classrooms?
3. What are some other ways to learn besides as a student in a classroom?
4. next rite of passage reading: the gap year
5. plan your own gap year

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27 and 28

vocab warm up: vice, cohort, foray
anticipation set: What's the point of prom? How is prom a rite of passage?
watch/ read about "first integrated prom"
complete solo questions

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22 and 26

We took the first vocab quiz today.
We took notes on "Introduction to making a claim."
We read the article "Prom Spending Rises."
We completed text questions in teams.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 20 and 21

We all did a vocab review using synonyms and antonyms (quiz next class!)

1st block: We did a second reading on quinceanera and answered more text dependent quesitons (this time on our own).

2nd and 3rd block: We had a discussion on quinceanera using Kahoot to share our responses. After that we went over the requirement for the final writing assignment in which we will write argumentative essays on one rite of passage.

September 18 and 19

We did the last four vocab words: affluent, differentiate, defer, hiatus

We read our first piece on rite of passage (the quinceanera)

In teams we answered text dependent questions and turned them in on google classroom

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14 and 15

Three new vocab words today: lavish, prevalence, disparity

Intro to Rites of Passage: define, brainstorm examples, analyze each example

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 12th and 13th

We began our "Rites of Passage" vocabulary study. We started with the first three words: ritual, endorsement, and fathom. We will read these words in the texts and also try to use them in our argumentative papers.

After that, we took a pre-test on conventions. Keep track of your data, so you know which areas you will need to study for the post-test.

Also, more name practice!

Friday, September 08, 2017

September 8th and 11th

More learning of names!

After that, we wrote letters of introduction.

I'm looking forward to learning more about you than just your name.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

September 6th and 7th

Today we learned about the course. We went over the syllabus and class procedures. After that Mr. Wilson tried to learn all your names.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Welcome the the 2017-18 school year!

Come here to see the daily agenda of each class. You will also find some helpful links in the margins.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

American Lit final essay topics and example thesis statements

American Lit journal #4

Pick one of these topics. Write 150 words or more.

Topic #1: Make a Comparison
Compare your book to one other we’ve read this term. Pick one specific thing to compare and then elaborate on that. Suggested topics: character, setting, conflict, scene, theme

Topic #2: Dreams

Finish this sentence in the voice of one of the characters from your novel: “I have a dream…” Consider your characters motivation, desires, and perhaps obstacles faced.

American Lit journal #3

The most important passage so far…

Copy the passage into your notebook.

Explain why you think it is important.

American Lit journal #2:

So far, I think this is a book about…

… or something else

Rate Mr. Wilson's vocab jokes

Click HERE to rate Mr. Wilson's vocab jokes.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

American Lit Journal #1

First impressions:

Write about your first impression of the book so far. Here are some suggested topics:


The American Dream?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Raisin in the Sun act 3 review

1.      The obstacle the Younger family will most likely face in Clyborne Park is…
2.      Mama seems to give up the plan to move to Clyborne Park when she…
3.      Walter plans to reconsider Lindner’s offer in act 3 by doing what?
4.      Why does Mama insists that Travis stay to witness Walter’s discussion with Lindner?
5.      What does Walter ultimately tell Lindner?
6.      Which character’s views most strongly contrast with Mama’s world view?
7.      When Beneatha mentions “assimilationist negroes” she most probably is referring to…
8.      How do we know that Mama’s and Mrs. Johnson’s opinions about African Americans greatly contrast?
9.      The deceased Walter Lee Younger Sr. can best be described as…
Who said it?
10.  “That money is made out of my father’s flesh!”
11.   “The Youngers is too much for me! You sure one proud-acting bunch of colored folks.”
12.   “Could I maybe go carry some groceries in front of the supermarket for a little while…”
13.   “Good night, Prometheus!”
14.   “I seen him grow old before he was forty working and working and working like somebody’s old horse…”
15.   “There simply is no God—there is man and it is he who makes miracles.”
16.   “Girl, if you don’t get all them silly ideas out your head!  You better marry yourself a man with some loot…”
17.   “The overwhelming majority of our people out there feel that people get along better, take more of a common interest in the life of the community, when they share a common background.”
18.  “What’s the matter with you, Walter!  When a cat take off with your money he don’t leave you no road maps!”
19.  “No Travis, you stay right here.  And you make him understand what you doing. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Raisin in the Sun act 2 review questions

1.      When Mama says “we a people who give children life, not who destroys it,” she is referring to…
2.      Ruth’s reaction to the news that Mama intends to buy a house can best be described as…
3.      Walter’s reaction to the news Mama intends to buy a house can best be described as…
4.      Mrs. Johnson’s attitude toward the Younger’s move to Clyborne park can best be described as…
5.      The Youngers’ attitude toward Mrs. Johnson can best be described as…
6.      Walter stops going to work because…
7.      After Walter stops going to work, he spends his time…
8.      Mama ultimately decides to give Walter money because…
9.      Karl Lindner presents his buyout offer to the Youngers as…
10.  Serving as a symbol of Mama’s nurturing of her family’s dreams is…
11.  Walter loses his and Beneatha’s money when…

12.  Mama reacts to the news of the lost money by…

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Literary lens

Try this LINK.

Raisin in the Sun act 1 review

1.      The apartment that the Younger family lives in can best be described as…
2.      The furnishings of the Younger apartment are mostly portrayed as…
3.      Upon her first appearance Ruth Younger is mostly characterized as…
4.      Walter hopes to use the $10,000 to…
5.      Beneatha’s ultimate aspiration is to…
6.      The conflict between Walter and Ruth at the beginning of the play is ultimately over…
7.      Ruth asserts that Travis has trouble getting up in the morning because…
8.      One indication in the beginning of the play that Walter hopes to be a “big shot” is…
9.      Walter’s attitude toward Beneatha’s desire to be a doctor can best be described as…
10.  Walter often blames the source of his struggles to get ahead in life on…
11.  One key conflict between Beneatha and Mama is over…
12.  One significant conflict between Ruth and Mama is over…
13.  Mama dislikes the idea of investing in Walter’s liquor store plans because…
14.  Mama and Ruth believe Beneatha should marry George because…
15.  Beneatha is reluctant to commit to George because…
16.  Ruth fainting at the end of the first scene is most likely caused by…
17.  When Asagai visits, Beneatha worries that Mama might…

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to study for the Gatsby test

1. Complete all of the questions in your study guide.

2. Make sure you know who/ what these are:
Jay Gatsby
Nick Carraway
Daisy Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Jordan Baker
Myrtle Wilson
George Wilson
Meyer Wolfsheim
Dan Cody
Doctor T.J. Ekleburg
The Owl-Eyed Man
West Egg
 East Egg
The Valley of the Ashes
Henry C. Gatz
The first three parties


3. Do some practice online. You can google "Gatsby quiz" or "Gatsby "test" to find some good resources. Here are a few I've found.

Monday, May 08, 2017


Follow this LINK for how to cite correctly in your essay.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thursday, April 06, 2017

How much would you spend on prom?

Click the picture to read the story.


Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Review for Huck Finn test

Here are some places you can go to review for the Huck Finn test:

Characters quiz

Proprofs test review

Sparknotes quiz

Cliffnotes quiz

Friday, February 24, 2017