Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wed 2/12

I was out for the day. Here are the sub plans I left:

Block 2: Senior English

1. Student will listen to “The Pardoners Tale” (track 6 on the CD that is already in the CD player in the front of the room). They should follow along in the text, which starts on page 168. They should read lines 1-40 first since the CD recording doesn’t start until line 41 when the tale actually begins. Have students follow along and do the eight activities listed on the worksheet. Be sure to pause the CD at times the worksheet indicates so students can do work along the way.

2. After students finish activity eight (ranking evil) have them share their rankings on the board. If you can, try to have the class discuss and come to consensus on their rankings.

3. Any remaining time students can use to review characters from the prologue for the test on Friday.

Block 3 and 4: Pre IB Sophomore English

1. Students should do the first two pages of the grammar packet I am leaving.

2. After completing the grammar, students can use the rest of the period to work on their essays. They should at the least complete the graphic organizer I gave them on Tuesday. However, don’t collect them; they can show me this graphic organizer when I return on Thursday. I’ve left a few extra copies on my desk.

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