Friday, May 02, 2008

Islamic textiles and Othello

So, is the handkerchief just a "trifle light as air" as Iago suggests? Well, actually textiles are quite important to the Islamic culture Othello comes from. These textiles come in the forms of rugs, drapes, clothing, and yes, handkerchiefs. They often use geometrical shapes, and include fine embroidery and scripture from the Qua ran. So you could imagine how upset Othello would be to think that his wife Desdemona has given away what is essentially a family heirloom.

Here are various pictures of Islamic textiles to give you an idea of how important textile art is in Islamic culture. See if you can spot the fine embroidery or scripture on the textiles. Hint: the scripture is in Arabic calligraphy.


ap said...

I recorded half of it. YAY

-Amy Phou

Anonymous said...

Kristin Hortsch
Block 2

Wow, I those designs are really intricate. I didn't realize how special the hankerchief was until I saw these pictures.

tiffany. said...

The patterns look really interesting but it's really not my style.
i don't like how it looks like, but that's just me. I really like that thing on the mannequin though.

Tiffany Q.

Anonymous said...

When I think of handkerchiefs, this definitely isn't what I think of. These are really nice and must have taken somebody a long time to make! They are so detailed from different shapes to complex designs. I'm impressed.

Mitchell Van Dyke
Period 2

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

per 2

I hope you realize that second to last one is a shirt not a handkerchief. They're pretty darn cool though, I can see why Othello would be so gosh darn upset.

Anonymous said...

hailey hanson

participation! XD

Anonymous said...

Ben Harbolt

Those are really interesting. The time it must have taken make them really amazing works.

Ian McGetrick said...

It's amazing how complex the designs are. It must take days just to make a single hankerchief. They're probably pretty expensive also.

-Ian Mcgetrick

Anonymous said...

Oh that makes a lot more sense now seeing the actual handkerchiefs. Before I was picturing something like the kind my dad uses to wipe his nose. Those must have taken a long time to make back before they could do it all with machines.

-Katie McCormick

Anonymous said...

kidda cool because you can tell those aren't mass produced in china.
The people that own them probably really value them, just because of the time it take to make

Ian Walch