Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wed 5/9

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar review: semi-colons, colons, dashes
2. finish Othello film
3. essay workshop

Eng 12
1. collect speech, 2nd draft
2. vocab warm up
3. return TFA RD, teacher notes on essays, FD due next Wednesday
4. review gender roles in Chronicle: What is suggested about the roles? What kind of men/women are admired? rewarded? punished?
5. Cover art: Journal in NB on how the art expresses/ symbolizes the story's themes, topics, conflicts, etc.
6. Create a new cover that features a character other than Angela: Express/ symbolize the story's themes, topics, conflicts, etc. Suggested characters: Santiago, Bayardo, Pedro/Pablo, Narrator.

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