Monday, April 30, 2007

Mon 4/30

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar 7,8
2. Othello 3.1-3.3
3. HW: grammar 9,10; read Othello page 109 twice

Eng 12
1. get Chronicle books
2. vocab warm up: TFA last quiz is Wednesday, new Chronicle words for Friday
3. begins Chronicle unit: What is a chronicle, define, journal "your day" on 9/11, share, post on butcher paper
4. work time
5. HW: Freshman proverb due tomorrow, read to p 13 in Chronicle, ask one other person what was "your day" on 9/11 who is not in your age group, work on commencement speech and TFA essay at your own pace
6. Due dates: TFA essay RD is Friday 5/4, next commencement speech draft is due Wed 5/9

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