Friday, December 02, 2005

Fri 12/2

Eng 11
1. OMAM RD peer review (turn in for pts)
2. Vocab retake
3. Journal: Rooms (1. How many people in your house. 2. How many rooms in your house. 3. Describe your rooms. 4. How many people and how many rooms in Raisin-- seem page 829)
4. begin reading Raisin act 1.1

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz (JLC #2)
2. peer review of autobio stories
3. discuss last 3 JLC stories
4. give JLC test questions (be ready for test on Monday)


Anonymous said...

My favorite vingette is the mirror one. I think the mother wants a granddaughter because the granddaughter will be just like her. The family, as well as a mirror, have opposites. The daughter looks the same as the mother, but the personalities are opposites.

mother = <
daughter = > (the daughter is the opposite of the mother)
granddaughter = < (the granddaughter is the opposite of her mother, thus beng the same as the grandmother)

What are some of the favorite parts to others? What are you thoughts on the book?

P.S. I liked the "rules of the game".

Anonymous said...

My favorite vignette was the first one, because it set everything up. I too enjoyed "Rules of the Game" because I have played chess. I am more of a Stratego person though.