Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What have you been reading lately?

Click on "comments" to tell us.


Wilson said...

I just finished a great memoir called Foreign Correspondence by Garaldine Brooks. It's the story of a woman who grew up writing to pen pals in the 60's and 70's. Later she becomes a journalist and foreign correspondent and decides to track down her childhood pen pals. Here are some other books I've enjoyed recently:
West with the Night
The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Wolves Eat Dogs

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed many great books lately. They are, however, all fantasy novels. The past ones i have read recently are Straken, Tanequil, Being a Green Mother, Bearing an Hourglass, With a Tangled Skein, and On a Pale Horse.
I am currently reading the Sword of Shannara Trilogy, a 1191 page book!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to add the authors to these great novels. The two authors that wrote all these novels are Piers Anthony and Terry Brooks. Two of the best writes i have ever read!

Anonymous said...

I am reading less now that I am on the computer more and school has started. Right now though, I am in the middle of Star Wars: The Cestus Deception, a Clone Wars novel. It was alright at the beginning, but now it has slowed down, and I haven't been reading much of it lately. Also recently I read Harry Potter VI (J.K. Rowling), and Artemis Fowl IV (Eoin Colfer). Both were quite excellant.

Anonymous said...

Jason, O Jason!

You must banish that computer! You need to read more books! Hurry! Before it is to late! :)

Anonymous said...

As soon as I can get Angels and Demons from the library, then I will start reading it a lot.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Northwest Passage by Kenneth Roberts. I chose this book to read partly because while reading a history book they mentioned the Northwest passage. When I discovered the historical noval I just naturally became curious =)

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading two books, both of which I find quite interesting. The Dead Zone (Stephen King) is moving along steadily. In addition, I have just begun One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, with a recommendation from Mr. Wilson. Although I have only read 20 pages, it seems that I will long to read more as the page number increases.

Anonymous said...

I just started Angels and Demons, I'm on page 100 or so. Next will be Artemis Fowl IV, since I just purchased it, then maybe finish my Star Wars: Cestus Deception book. Then after that, maybe I Robot by Isaac Asimov(sp?). I'm not sure how much of that will happen, but that is the plan.

Anonymous said...

im currently reading A Wizard of Earthsea By Ursula K. Le Guin. its the first in a series of 6 about a planet clled earthsea and a war that broke out and this wizard kid has to rebond some amulet of peace to save the planet

Anonymous said...

At the moment I'm reading The Catcher and the Rye, by J.D. Salinger. I also plan on reading a few other names from the list, like All the Names by Jose Saramago, a Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracy chevalier, and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquirel.
The one that I'll be reading for my free choice book is The Catcher and the Rye.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Clockwork Orange is very, very violent. At the moment I am reading The Vanishing ... well, I WAS reading that. It took only two hours to read. (The font was large and had huge margins at 108 pages ... so not hard).

Anonymous said...

Brittany, you have quite a list. I thought mine was kind of long. Clockwork Orange and Catcher in the Rye seem to be some of the more popular novels.

Anonymous said...

It may sound kind of lame, but I have been reading the newspaper frequently the last few days. I like reading books that I can relate to. I don't really care for fantasy. Maybe some of you should read this comment. I don't want to say any names, but it's someone with a name that starts with an H and ends with a -gis. :)

Anonymous said...

Reading the newspaper isn't lame! It's an excellent way to keep up with the world.=P BUT you can read fantasy books and relate to them too...just don't get too sucked in and forget about reality.

Anonymous said...

Yay I convinced Brittany to read Catcher in the Rye! I hope she enjoys that peticular literary adventure. I'm not really predjudiced against a type of book, but I do enjoy reading horror novels (not gore, but spooky!).

Anonymous said...

Yeah Neil, reading the newspaper isn't lame. Every morning when I am reading breakfast these are the parts that I read in this specific order:

Living: The Edge and then the comics

Sports: The headlines, maybe the football stuff more in depth

Metro: Glance at the headlines and then read the commentary.

There is a lot of interesting stuff in the commentary, and The Edge just plain rocks. There is a lot of stuff to be learned from reading the paper. I really like fantasy, because I actually can relate to it better than more realistic stuff it seems. You can learn valuable lessons from and relate to both fantasy and realistic works of literature in my opinion. I don't really care for the spooky types of books, though Megan. Especially when I am reading right before bed. I remember I read one of the Veritas Project books right before bed, and I got kind of freaked out, and I didn't want to go to bed feeling like that, so I stayed up about another hour or two just to get to the perfectly reasonable scientific explanation for all the "supernatural" events that were happening. That helped me sleep better.

Quote by Neil:I don't want to say any names, but it's someone with a name that starts with an H and ends with a -gis. :)


Anonymous said...

Quote by Jason: and I didn't want to go to bed feeling like that, so I stayed up about another hour or two just to get to the perfectly reasonable scientific explanation for all the "supernatural" events that were happening. Extremely nice way of putting it. I do that all the time--

Anonymous said...

To each their own guys! I really love the books that you never want to put down. Most likely, all of you do, but there have been a few that I just couldn't put down. The Dead Zone is reaching the point where I end up saying "just one more chapter" multiple times.
On a completely different note, have any of you read The DaVinci Code? Thoughts and opinions please.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck do you mention my name?! (you are a fantasy hater)
Thank you tiffany ... the voice of reason ill say. :)

I read alot more than fantasy by the way .... just not any recent ones ... (unless you count the vanishing and a chronicle of a death foretold ... and posts hehe)
Oh! I have read some historic books.

Anonymous said...

Quote by Megan: "have any of you read The DaVinci Code?". No, but for my free choice book, I am reading Angels and Demons, a novel by the same author and contains the same character, Robert Langdon. I just finished it this morning, so I just put The Da Vinci Code on hold at the library. I want to read it before the movie comes out. I have read all of his other books now though, imcluding Digital Fortress and Deception Point. I think Deception Point has been my favorite so far. As I mentioned above, I have officially finished Angels and Demons, so I just started a new, really short Star Wars book. Then either Artemis Fowl IV, or my other Star Wars book, or The Da Vinci Code depending on when it gets in. So many books to choose from!

Richard, Neil isn't a fantasy hater, he just doesn't enjoy it as much as you do. Hate is such a strong word. I didn't know that you read history though.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is a hater ... I have to defend that which i cherish. Mabye HE should read fantasy more often. It exercises the brain.

And yes I do read history, but not too often I admit(hehe see that grammer comma? Just learned that today in class).
I recommenr Terry Brooks (his different Shannara tales). He is a great author. The other great one is Piers Anthony (Incarnations of Immortality series). I highly recommend these two authors for there great use of words, phrases, excitement and just plain fun adventures (not to mention the memorable characters).

Anonymous said...

Sigh ... I may learn grammer but my spelling is so lacking (see my previous post)!

Anonymous said...

Richard, you actually payed attentionin in class. I'm amazed. Anyways, in regard to my previous post, I have started The Da Vinci Code, and am almost finished. It's pretty good, but very similar to Angels and Demons. It's also less about Da Vinci than I thought. For some reason, I feel like sharing the song I am listening to because it's so funny. The Mike Haas Theme Song.

NOTE: The link will work best if you have Windows Media Player.

NOTE2: This is a perfectly legal link, they want people to hear this.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't hate fantasy, I am more of a science fiction type, like Fahrenheit 451. That book intrests me because it has so many themes. I also nailed (100%) the essay last year.