Monday, June 06, 2005

Monday 6/6

Pre IB Eng 10
1. read "Roadmap" and do talking back to poem questions
2. Grammar 9,10
3. Brainstorm on ode topics: person, place, object, or event
4. Read "Ode to the Yard Sale" and use writing to think for "the list," parts of the poem that are more than just a list, and things that make it "sound" like a poem

Eng 11
1. Vocab warm up (TBL #3)
2. Memory journal #2 (continue on first memory, or start on another)
3. Memoir instructions (read, discuss pre-writing instructions)
4. Review pages 126-154 of TBL
5. H.W: read 155-178 in TBL and find a passage to share in class tomorrow

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