Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wed 11/5

1. conventions: prounoun/ antecedent agreement, the literary present tense
2. philosophy quickwrite discussion
3. HW: complete FD of All Quiet essay

1. discuss Book III questions 4,5
2. essay instructions for Friday's test
3. HW: finish reading book, do questions 6 in NB


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking back to our debate on whether or not society can be held responsible for its criminals, and Nineteen Minutes by Jodie Picoult is a good example of it. Sorry for the randomness..?

Wilson said...

Tell me more about Nineteen Minutes. I'm interested.

Anonymous said...

If you could bear to read a book about a school shooting, I highly recommend it. It's about a kid who goes to his high school one day and decides to shoot some of his classmates and one staff member. (The shooting lasted a total of 19 minutes, if you were wondering.) So at first of course you feel angry and disgusted with him. Then, you read all about how he grew up and was teased constantly by kids at school and the teachers there did nothing to help. It sort of changes your opinion of him. In the end, it was hard for me to decide if it was really his fault or not because it seems like in his case he wasn't born a killer, he was made into one by years of torture. So i guess you could hold society partly responsible for his crime, even though he was the one pulling the trigger.