This one is a good example of a small textile, perhaps a handkerchief not unlike the one Othello gives to Desdemona.
Here are some other handkerchiefs to look at.
Check out these details of the fine embroidery.
Here is a textile used for a wall covering. Can you see the Arabic scipture we talked about (those squiggly lines you see).
This last one is a good example of a rug. Check out the intricate geometric patterns in the middle.
Those are beautiful! I sure wouldn't want one of those handkerchiefs to end up in the wrong hands. . .
The one with the star and moon looks like a smiley face.
-Sam Gates
Hm, they are very pretty. It's hard to believe people handmade them. If I had made one and then lost it I would be pretty angry. (Othello is pissed off for no good reason!) The detail is crazy, especially on the 3rd one!
(o^_^o)(") <-- pikachu! ぴかちゅ!
Wow, those look like they would be really difficult to make. I can't believe someone took all that time to create them, but their hard work really paid off!
matt b per 3
pretty sweet
a lot of details. i wonder how long it usually takes to make one now.
Those hankerchiefs are very well decorated but how long does it take to make must take forever
These are pretty cool and they look really difficult to make. They can all have patterns of some kind and most of them can be mirrored and still look the same.
-Jacob Ross
im glad my job isnt to make those.
max slyter
per. 3
First one has teh best pattern. Textiles FTW!
- Sam Palmer (gamertag: .pdp.MASTERP)
They are all very nice looking and they look like they would take a long time to make.
-Chris Lor 2AB
Ya I don't know if I'd blow my nose with those
those are really well made. it seems like it would take foever to make just one.
austin benson block 3
Pshhh... I use those as napkins...
It seems everyone in advanced english is a rig expert and knows that they take a long time to make and that they are of good quality... I wish I was a rug expert.
Well, they are pretty 1337 I guess...
nice handkerchiefs
those are pretty cool
the second to the last one looks like some sort of writing but i cant tell
Jordan Lutter p.3
These are really pretty! I could do that~ just kidding!!!
wow. its amazing how detailed and pretty they are. and its handmade..?!
the second to the last one is pretty amazing with its letters and stuff.
-brandon a
Those are neat-o!
They look really nice.
Nick Abayare
Period 3
I like that fourth one down the best
Cool. what are they made of?
Whoa nelly, those are purty.
Kelsi Isakson
Block 3
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