Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wed 1/31

Pre IB Eng 10
1. parent signatures, turnitin codes
2. review sentence workshop
3. key passages: share passages from summer assignment, explain what a key passage is, define theme, guess theme of novel, share first key passage
4. HW: Answer this question: What is the "pause" in the passage? What's causing it?
5. HW: sign up for

Eng 12
1. parent signatures, turnitin codes
2. warm up: What would be the target of your satire? vices, folly, social conventions
3. seven deadly sins: rate them from bad to worst
4. get books
5. read intro to Canterbury Tales (99-105) and begin study guide
6. listen to page one of prologue in Middle English

Tue 1/30

Welcome to the new semester. This if the agenda for the first day.

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Lord of the Flies test
2. course description
3. LOF gut reaction discussion
4. HW: sentence workshop (3 pages)

Eng 12
1. seating chart
2. course description
3. begin Canterbury Tales unit: define satire, share "It All Started with Clubs and Stones"
4. HW: answer questions on "It All Started with Clubs and Stones"

Friday, January 26, 2007

Fri 1/26

Pre IB Eng 10
Block 1:
JLC test

Thur 1/25

Pre IB Eng 10
Block 1:
1. review for JLC test
2. watch JLC film clips
Block 3:
JLC test

Eng 11
1. TBL vocab #3 quiz
2. turn in NBs
3. TBL test

Due Dates for 2nd quarter

Pre IB Eng 10
12/8: finish college bound reading books
12/8: paraphrase test
12/11: key passage analysis
12/12: grammar retake
12/15: Othello essay RD
1/5: Othello essay FD
1/24: autobiographical incident
1/25: Joy Luck Club test (3rd block only)
1/26: Joy Luck Club test (1st block only)

Eng 11
11/22: Of Mice and Men comprehension test
12/5: OMAM essay RD
12/12: grmmar retake
12/15 OMAM essay FD
1/5 Rinish reading choice book
1/10 Raisin final
1/12: choice book letter to author
1/25: This Boy's Life test, memoir due

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wed 1/24

Pre IB Eng 10
Block 1:
1. self assessment of autobios and turn in
2. watch clips from JLC film
Block 3:
1. self assessment of autobios and turn in
2. review for JLC test
3. advice for success in IB Junior English

Eng 11
1. vocab review
2. memoir peer reviews
3. review last nights TBL reading
4. review for TBL test tomorrow
5. HW: read to end of TBL, do FD of memoir, prepare NB to turn in

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tue 1/23

Pre IB Eng 10
1. discuss last two JLC stories: Why does the title "Double Face" make sense for this story? For the whole Jong family story? List details fro the story and write a one paragraph explanation. Whi sthe meaning of Suyuan for "A Pair of Tickets"? What is the meaning of Jing Mei? How are these meanings important to the Woo family story?
2. Autobio peer reviews: use the checklist
3. HW: finish final draft of autobio for tomorrow

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up
2. do DER #4 on "Citizenship in the School" and share aloud
3. review last night reading
4. Work time: finish RD of memoir for tomorrow, study vocab, read to page 269 in TBL

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mon 1/22

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz
2. autobio instructions
3. workshop time for autobios

Eng 11
1. vocab quiz
2. new vocab: TBL #3
3. share DER #3
4. review weekend reading: passages 182, 187, 207, 212-214, 217-218, 220
5. read to page 252, work on memoir

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fri 1/19

Pre IB Eng 10
1. finish CIM reading test
2. get your notebook scored
3. HW: study vocab for quiz Monday, work on your autobio incident, begin preparing for JLC final

Eng 11
1. copy notebook work list
2. vocab review-- quiz Monday
3. summarize last night's reading
4. do DER #3 on "Citizenship in the Home"
5. read rest of "Citizenship in the Home" aloud
6. HW: work on memoir, read to page 228 by Monday

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thur 1/18

Pre IB Eng 10
CIM reading test

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up
2. review memoir instructions
3. review TBL reading
4. HW: read TBL to p 168
5. HW: pre-write, draft memoirs

Friday, January 12, 2007

Fri 1/12

Pre IB Eng 10
1. IB info from Teschner
2. vocab review
3. discuss "Magpies" and "Waiting Between the Trees"
4. share autobio sample from "Zippy"
5. HW: study vocab, finish JLC, write RD of auto bio incident

Eng 11
1. vocab quiz
2. TBL vocab 3 list-- quiz next Friday
3. collect author letters
4. check and share DERT #2
5. read aloud "A Whole New Deal"
6. intro final: memoirs; share instructions
7. time to pre-write or read pp 95-44 for Tuesday

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thur 1/11

Pre IB Eng 10
1. finish CIM writing test
2. read last two stories of JLC

Eng 11
1. vocab warm review
2. Discuss "Cool" journal and pp 37-55 of TBL
3. read pp 57-84
4. Do DER #2: Uncool
5. HW: finish author letter

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wed 1/10

Pre IB Eng 10
1. CIM writing test
2. HW: read "Magpies"; "Waiting Between the Trees"

Eng 11
1. collect Raisin final
2. Intro Double Entry Response
3. Read aloud pp 23-33 in TBL
4. Do DER #1
5. Journal: Cool, uncool: What is "cool" in your world? What is "uncool" in your world? 200 words
6. Read Uncool in TBL pp 37-56

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tue 1/9

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up
2. "Without Wood"; "Best Quality"
3. autobio instructions
4. no new reading tonight
5. CIM writing tomorrow, CIM reading next week, JLC test next Thursday

Eng 11
1. This Boy's Life epigraph predictions
2. Journal: transformation, names
3. Read pp 1-22 in TBL
4. HW: complete final draft of Raisin final

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mon 1/8

Pre IB Eng 10
1. collect late essays
2. vocab quiz
3. new vocab list
4. "Rice Husband"; "Four Directions"
5. Questions in NB: How is the invisibility motif extended in "Rice Husband"? How is the "invisible strength" theme further developed in "Four Directions"? How does the chess metaphor help develop it? How is the "mirror" motif extended in either story? Any ideas from the "Swan Feather" vignette in these story?
6. Free Write #3
7. Reminder: CIM writing test this Wednesday

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up: This Boy's Life #1
2. Raisin test
3. Raisin RD review: due Wednesday
4. Worshop time: work on Raisin final or author letter for choice book
5. get This Boy's Life books

Friday, January 05, 2007

Fri 1/5

Pre IB Eng 10
1. collect essays
2. vocab warm up
3. write on one story: "Half and Half," or "Two Kinds" and discusss
4. free writing
5. HW: read pp 159-205, vocab quiz on Monday

Eng 11
1. watch Raisin Act III
2. write RD of Raisin final writing assignment
3. HW: finish choice book, finish RD of Raisin writing assignment

Thur 1/4

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Analyze one story in your notebook: "Rules" or "Voice"
2. discuss Bicycle vignette
3. Begin memory free-write
4. read next two stories: "Half and Half," "Two Kinds"

Eng 11
1. do p 875 #4-8
2. read aloud Act III of Raisin
3. HW: p 88 #2,3,4,8,9

Wed 1/3-- sub day

Pre IB Eng 10
1.vocab warm up
2. Joy Luck Club discussions: "Scar," "The Red Candle," "The Moon Lady"
3. Read the next two stories: "Rules of the Game," and "The Voice from the Wall"

Eng 11
Watch Act II of Raisin in the Sun

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tue 1/2

Pre IB Eng 10
1. January letter
2. vocab warm up
3. review Swan Feather vignette and "Joy Luck Club"
4. HW: look up vocab, work on Othello essay

Eng 11
1. January letter
2. watch Act 1 and 2 of Raisin in the Sun
3. HW: read choice book