Friday, December 15, 2006

Fri 12/15

Pre IB Eng 10
1. get Joy Luck Club books
2. start JLC 8-part notes
3. Othello essay RD peer review
4. workshop time: work on essay, begin JLC reading
5. HW: read JLC to page 83

Eng 11
1. turn in FD of Mice and Men essays
2. vocab quiz
3. choice book reading time
4. finish reading Act II of Raisin

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thur 12/14

Pre IB Eng 10
Essay workshop

Eng 11
1. choice book reading time
2. vocab review
3. Raisin Act II
4. HW: finish FD of Of Mice and Men essay

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wed 12/13

Pre IB Eng 10
1. essay sample
2. essay workshop time
3. RD due on Friday for peer review

Eng 11
1. HW check, choice book journal "gut reaction"
2. vocab warm up
3. p 851-- reading focus, quickwrite in NB
4. Raisin Act II
5. HW: read your choice book!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tue 12/12

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar retake
2. finish Othello film
3. essay workshop time
4. reminders: don't forget to give me a copy of your key passage; return choice books to the library.

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up
2. grammar retake
3. Act I review
4. begin Act II and Act II study guide
5. HW: read your choice books, be ready to write a journal on them tomorrow

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday 12/11

Pre IB Eng 10
1. last page of grammar
2. write key passage analysis for choice book
3. HW: Make a list of any questions you have about grammar. I'll answer them before the test tomorrow. Work on your essay. Do you have a topic, question, thesis? We will have workshop time of Wednesday and Thursday. Rough draft is due Friday.

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up
2. last page of grammar
3. continue reading Act I of Raisin

Friday, December 08, 2006

Juniors, post titles of your choice books here

Cick comments and leave your name and book title.

Fri 12/8

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Othello paraphrase test
2. work on essay or read choice book
3. key passage sample, discuss possible passages
4. HW: finish choice book if you have not done so already

Eng 11
1. vocab quiz
2. continue Raisin Act I
3. HW: post your choice book title on blog

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thur 12/7

Pre IB Eng 10
1. go over due dates
2. grammar time
3. watch rest of film
4. HW: grammar 13

Eng 11
1. vocab review
2. review rooms journal
3. read page 829 and draw stage on board/ notebook
4. begin Act 1 of Raisin

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wed 12/6

Pre IB Eng 10
1. psychology experiment
2. grammar time
3. discuss planning Othello essays
4. watch Othello clips, begin Othello film
5. HW: grammar #12, ex A and ex b #3-5

Eng 11
1. vocab warm up
2. grammar time
3. essay peer review: write a 25 word comment on your peer's essay; turn in RD
4. journal in NB: $50,000; What would you do if you suddenly received $50,000? What would you do with the money if you came from a poor family?
5. journal in NB: rooms; How many people live in your house? How many rooms are in your house? Describe your rooms?
6. read page one of A Raisin in the Sun; How many people are in the apartment? How many rooms are in the apartment?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tue 12/5

Pre IB Eng 10
1. counciling visit
2. finish Othello
3. HW: make sure you have all four Othello journals completed for tomorrow

Eng 11
1. grammar time
2. vocab warm up: Raisin #1
3. do "Harlem" poem
4. quickwrite p 827
5. HW: work on Of Mice and Men RD
6. reminder: have a choice book selected by Friday to post on the blog

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sophomores, leave a comment about your choice book here

Fri 12/1

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz
2. grammar time
3. finish Othello Act IV
4. paraphrase Emilia's speech
5. do essay journal
6. HW: leave 25 word comment on blog about your choice book, read choice book, do grammr 11

Eng 11
1. grammar time
2. essays: return 1st draft, 2nd draft due Wednesday and typed
3. introduce choice book assignment
4. go to library to browse books.