Friday, March 24, 2006

Fri 3/24

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab quiz (CTBC #2)
2. ch 23,26 discussion
3. debate preparation: crime
4. HW: finish Book 2 and do NB questions

Eng 12
1. ch 7 questions: 4,5,6,8,9,10
2. ch 7 passages
3. response to Oregonian article

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thur 3/23

Pre IB Eng 10
1., vocab warm up (CTBC #2)
2. discuss ch 20,21,22
3. HW: read to page 224 and do questions for ch 23,26

Eng 12
1. reminder: by Friday
2. "Dulce et decorum est"
3. passages for ch 7
4. HW: read AQWF to p 187, read "From Combat to Campus" and do response in NB

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wed 3/22

Pre IB Eng 10
1. share, collect poetry in prose FD
2. Watch rest of Globe Trekker South Africa
3. ch 18, 19 questions discussions
4. HW: read che 20-22, do NB questions for 20,22

Eng 12
1. numbers: war stats response in NB
2. key passages in teams
3. read ch 7 of AQWF

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tue 3/21

Pre IB Eng 10
1. don't forget by Friday
2. vocab quiz (CTBC #1)
3. check RD of prose to poetry, do FD for tomorrow
4. begin Book 2 questions
5. HW: FD of prose to poetry, read Ch 18,19 and do ch 19 questions in NB

Eng 12
1. ch 1-5 comprehension quiz
2. don't forget to do this by Friday for your Macbeth essay
3. key passages from ch 3-5, in NB and in teams
4. answer ch 5 questions in NB
5. HW: read to p 136 in AQWF

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mon 3/20

Pre IB Eng 10
1. collect Crucible essays
2. new vocab for CTBC
3. review end of Book 1
4. prose to poetry RD in NB
5. HW: catch up on your reading, study for vocab quiz

Eng 12
1. collect Macbeth essays
2. attitudes discussion (answer one in NB)
3. key passage response (in NB)
4. HW: read to page 97 in AQWF

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wed 3/15

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up (Quiz on Tuesday)
2. Ch 10,11 review
3. Ch 12 aloud
4. HW: finish Book 1 (to page 157), complete FD of Crucible essay

Eng 12
1. sentence workshop: reducing wordiness
2. MLA expectations
3. review Ch 2 or AQWF
4. HW: read ch 3,4 and look for a key passage

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tue 3/14

Pre IB Eng 10
1. write ch 1-8 questions in NB
2. read Ch 9 aloud, draw it
3. HW: read ch 10,11 study vocab, work on essay

Eng 12
1. Ch 1 review, questions, characters, themes
2. more WWI background: trench warfare clips
3. read to page 33 (Ch 2)
4. HW: work on your essay

Monday, March 13, 2006

South Africa Pictures

Below are some links to pictures of the Drakensberg area in which Cry, The Beloved Country takes place.

This link is a tourist information page on the Drakensberg Park.

If you want to look at one tourist's pictures of his trip to Drakensberg, then click here. Be sure to click on the "Trip" links on this pages to see all of his pictures.

This is a nice slide show of some pictures of Drakensberg.

Mon 3/13

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up
2. review South Africa notes
3. Ch 1: share drawings, insights
4. Ch 1-4: t-chart, character web
5. HW: read ch 5-8, visit blog

Eng 12
1. Macbeth RD peer review
2. Poems: "The Soldier"; "The Man He Killed"
3. Review WWI notes
4. HW: read AQWF to page 18

Friday, March 10, 2006

Fri 3/10

Pre IB Eng 10
1. vocab warm up (CTBC #1)
2. Crucible essay peer reviews
3. get CTBC books: intro book's format
4. HW:
work on essays
read CTBC ch 1 three times
draw ch 1 in NB
read ch 2-4

Eng 12
1. literature of War: Henry V speech and film clip, Knolt Holheimer
2. get AQWF books, vocab, intro to book
3. read, highlight WWI notes
4. HW: finish Macbeth RD

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thur 3/9: 2 hour late start

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar retake
2. last chance Crucible essay workshop
3. HW: read and highlight South Africa background notes

Eng 12
1. finish 90s techno Macbeth
2. last chance Macbeth essay workshop
3. Tomorrow: begin All Quiet unit

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wed 3/8

Pre IB Eng 10
1. choice book-- key passage test
2. Crucible essay workshop

Eng 12
1. return Macbeth test scores; prizes!
2. more Macbeth essay reminders
3. watch 90's industrial Macbeth, take note of passages important to your essay topic

Ask Mr. J

If you have questions or need help from Mr. Julian, you can leave a comment here or email him at

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tue 3/7

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Crucible essay workshop
2. prepare for choice book assessment by copying your key passage

Eng 12
1. collect Macbeth study guide
2. Macbeth test
3. Macbeth essay intro
4. Macbeth essay workshop

Monday, March 06, 2006

Seniors, study for Macbeth test

Click on these links to help you prepare for the Macbeth test.

Try these to review details.

plot review
character list

Here are some quizzes.

quiz #1
quiz #2
quiz #3
quiz #4
quiz #5
quiz #6

Mon 3/6

Pe IB Eng 10
1. advice for Mr Julian
2. grammar 11,12
3. choice book discussion: key passages
4. essay workshop time

Eng 12
1. tomorrow speech close reading
2. collect Macbeth creative writing response
3. finish Macbeth DVD
4. test review guide
5. Macbeth essay: begin pre-writing

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fri 3/3

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar 9,10
2. finish Crucible DVD
3. HW: grammar 11,12

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thur 3/2

Pre IB Eng 10
1. grammar 7,8
2. watch Crucible DVD
3. grades
4. HW: grammar 9,10

Engh 12
1. Witches shopping list
2. read Macbeth Act 4, schen 1,2
3. HW: read Macbeth Act 4 schen 3, do Act 4 studyguide, work on creatvie writing assignment

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wed 3/1

Pre IB Eng 10
1. IB forecasting
2. grammar 5,6
3. Crucible essay insructions
4. Begin Crucible DVD
5. HW: grammar 7,8

Eng 12
1. Macbeth Act 3 review
2. watch Macbeth Act 3 DVD
3. begin Macbeth creative writing assignment