Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tuesday 5/31

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Othello translation test
2. Othello essay tips discussion
3. Time to work on essay

Eng 11
1. Vocab warm up (TBL #2)
2. Journal: cool, uncool
In your world what is cool? What is Uncool?
3. Read "Uncool" and get to page 75 by tomorrow

Friday, May 27, 2005

Friday 5/27

Pre IB English 10
1. Review Act V questions
2. Watch rest of Othello film
3. Share "Tips for wives" sheet as discussion starter for Desdemona/ Emilia roles

Eng 11
1. Vocab quiz (TBL #1)
2. Review expectations for choice book letters
3. Work time: write RD of letter

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thursday 5/26

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Othello Act V (read all)
2. HW: do all of Act V questionsa and one discussion question in NB
3. HW for Tuesday is to do Grammar 7,8

Eng 11
1. Vocab warm up (TBL #1)
2. Write your double entry in "Fortune" in NB
3. Share double entries with entire class
4. HW: finish choice book and remember to bring textbook to class on Friday

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wedesday 5/25

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Grammar 5,6
2. Review Othello Act IV, Emelia's speech
3. Watch Othello Act III
4. HW: Othello journal #4

Eng 11
1. Grammar page 10
2. Complete reading of "Fortune" in TBL
3. Pick your favorite passage for use tomorrow on your double entry journal
4. HW: read your choice book

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tuesday 5/24

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Read all of Othello Act IV
2. HW: Do all of Act IV questions in NB

Eng 11
1. Grammar page 9
2. This Boy's Life jounal #1: transformation
Imagine you're moving to a new town and you will change your identity. What new first name would yo take and why? What aspects of your life would you change and why? Be specific. Write 3/4 to 1 page in your NB.
3. Share new names anonymously by writing on slips paper to be read aloud. Share your journal with a partner if you wish.
4. Brief discussion of TBL epigraphs.
5. Read TBL to page 8

Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday 5/23

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Grammar pages 3,4
2. Review questions and translations for Othello 3.1 and 3.3
3. Finish 3.3 relay
4. Summarize end of Act III
5. Do "Magic in the web" handkerchief story

Eng 11
1. Vocab warm up (This Boy's Life #1)
2. Grammar page 8
3. Review 6 African American poems (in groups):
A. What do you notice about the language?
B. What is the poem about?
C. What is the poem really about?

Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday 5/20

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Vocab quiz (Othello #1)
2. Act III: scene 1 (5 actors)
scene 2 (3 actors)
scene 3 lines 1-89 (5 actors)
scene 3 lines 90-end (relay0
3. HW: Othello journal #3, Act III questions, Act III translations #1-8

Eng 11
1. 20 minutes of free reading
2. Review "Incident" questions #1,3,4
4. Read African American poetry collection and pick out choices for Monday's discussion

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thursday 5/19

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Vocab warm up (Othello #2)
2. Review last part of Othello 2.3 (Iago and Cassio)
3. Watch Acts 1,2

Eng 11
1. 20 minutes free reading
2. Grammar p. 7
3. Discuss "Tableau" and do questions 1-4 p. 749 in NB
4. Read "Incident" p. 748
5. HW: questions 1-5 on "Incident" from page 749

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wednesday 5/18

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Share/ collect autobios
2. Perform Othello:
2.2.282-end (antiphonally)
2.2 (1 actor)
3. HW: Finish reading 2.3 of Othello and do Othello comparison journal #2

Eng 11
1. 20 minutes of free reading
2. Grammar page 6
3. Intro to poetry: How to read a poem, etc0
3. Read "Tableau" p. 747 in text 5 different ways

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Tuesday 5/17

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Give out self assessment for autobio (due tomorrow)
2. Ring the Changes: Brabantio's warning
3. Read aloud last part of 1.3, keep track of beast imagery
4. Do Othello comparison journal #1
5. Begin reading 2.1, finish for HW

Eng 11
1. Raisin test
2. Grammar pages 4,5
3. Work on Raisin creative response RD or read choice book
4. Reminder; bring textbook tomorrow

Monday, May 16, 2005

Monday 5/16

Pre IB Eng 10
1. List important Othello words in NB
2. Vocab warm up (Othello #2)
3. Grammar: Rev #1,2. Do #3,4 for Friday
4. Rev 1.2 questions
5. Read aloud 1.3 lines 59-end
6. HW: do 1,3 questions in NB

Eng 11
1. 20 minutes free reading
2. Watch Act III of Raisin
3. Finish and turn in Raisin studyguide
4. Begin Raisin creative writing response(FD due Friday)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday 5/13

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Vocab quiz (Othello #1)
2. Othello 1.2 acting circle
3. Othello Choral reading from 1.3
4. HW: Do questions for 1.2 in NB and do a first reading of 1.3

Eng 11
1. Collect OMAM essays
2. Vocab quiz (Raisin #2)
3. Review p. 4 of study guide
4. Read all of Act III of Raisin

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Thursday 5/12

Pre IB Eng 10
1. Vocab warm up (Othello #1)
2. Read slightly cut 1.1 of Othello
3. Read all of 1.1 and do NB questions
4. HW: do a first reading of 1.2

Eng 11
1. Vocab warm up (Raisin #2)
2. Watch Raisin Act II

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wednesday 5/11

Pre IB Eng 10
1. get Othello books
2. finish line tossing
3. improv again: The Lover, the Girlfriend, The Buddy

Eng 11
1. 20 minutes of free reading
2. finish reading Act II of Raisin
3. begin watching Act II of Raisin
4. HW: p. 4 of Raisin studyguide